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Travel Responsibly
Take The Pledge With Us

The Pono Pledge (, a creative new initiative by the Island of Hawaii Visitors Bureau (IHVB) and Hawaii County, encourages safe, responsible and respectful tourism. Its eight principles are simply stated, but cover a wide range of situations, experiences and thought-provoking possibilities for visitors on vacation, and for Hawaii residents as well.

The Pono Pledge
I pledge to be pono (righteous) on the island of Hawaii.
I will mindfully seek wonder,
but not wander where I do not belong.
I will not defy death for breathtaking photos,
or venture beyond safety.
I will malama (care for) land and sea,
and admire wildlife only from afar.
Molten lava will mesmerize me,
but I will not disrupt its flow.
I will not take what is not mine,
leaving lava rocks and sand as originally found.
I will heed ocean conditions,
never turning my back to the Pacific.
When rain falls ma uka (inland),
I will remain high above ground, out of rivers and streams.
I will embrace the island’s aloha spirit,
as it embraces me.
Lawe i ka maalea i kuonoono.
"Take Wisdom and Make it Deep."
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